Notes and words for “The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power” by Kerry Brown.
1. Words
English | Russian | |
1 | reappraisal | переоценка |
2 | stride | шаг, интервал |
3 | repudiated | отречься |
4 | heady | опьяняющий |
5 | a raft of | пачка чего-то |
6 | a prong | зубец |
7 | epitome | олицетворение |
8 | cachet | капсула |
9 | onus | бремя |
10 | cogency | неоспоримость |
11 | subliminal | подсознательный |
12 | flagrantly | ужасно, возмутительно |
13 | contestation | оспаривание |
14 | contention | раздор |
15 | afflict | причинять боль, проблемы |
16 | prelapsarian | до Падения Человека |
17 | harrowing | душераздирание (букв. боронование) |
18 | precarious | ненадёжный |
19 | squabble | перебранка |
20 | be riven | быть расщеплённым |
21 | propinquity | сродство |
22 | quell | подавлять |
23 | contention | раздор |
24 | eschew | избегать, сторониться |
25 | rashness | опрометчивость |
26 | assail | атаковать |
27 | evince | выявить наличие |
28 | posit | постулировать |
29 | verbal garb | словесное обрамление |
30 | relinquish | уступить |
31 | bide your time | выжидать |
32 | kilter | исправность |
33 | sniffily | (перен.) высокомерно |
34 | wherewithal | необходимые средства |
35 | fount | источник, ключ (водяной) |
36 | acme | кульминация |
37 | brunt | главный удар |
38 | inextricable | безвыходный от запутанности |
39 | tussle | схватка (также мед. схватки) |
40 | hurl | швырять |
41 | riven by | раздираемый |
42 | caesura | цезура |
43 | quandary | затруднительное положение |
44 | larceny | воровство |
45 | pilfering | мелкое воровство |
46 | tutelage | опекунство |
47 | to be felled | быть срубленным |
48 | malfeasance | злодеяние |
49 | awry | косо |
50 | toe the line | подчиняться требованиям |
51 | to curb | взнуздать (метаф.) |
52 | consternation | оцепенение от испуга |
53 | buck the trend | сломать тренд |
54 | afflict | подействовать негативно |
55 | nag away | ворчать |
56 | venally | имеющи склонность к мздоимству |
57 | mainstay | оплот |
58 | abnegation | отречение |
59 | vacillate | колебаться |
60 | impudence | наглость |
61 | bequeathed | завещать |
62 | dunce (hat) | “шляпа дурака”, наказание в английских школах |
63 | searing | жгучий |
64 | harrowing | боронование (мет. душераздирающе) |
65 | intricate | запутанный |
66 | scuttled | затопленный путём открытия люка (scuttle) |
67 | gnawing | грызущий |
68 | dishevelled | взъерошенный |
69 | emaciated | истощённый |
70 | scoffing | саркастический |
71 | incensed | восхваляемый (ему возжигают фимиам) |
72 | indictment | обвинительный акт |
73 | trenchant | язвительный |
74 | insolence | наглость |
75 | to vent | испускать |
76 | venality | продажность |
77 | prurient | похотливый |
78 | lurid | пылающий, сенсационный |
79 | fungibility | взаимозаменяемость |
80 | swirl | кружение |
81 | sheen | блеск |
82 | strenuously | напрягшись |
83 | consternation | испуг |
84 | coruscating | сверкающий |
85 | ferreting | охота с хорьком |
86 | benighted | застигнутый ночью |
87 | predicament | затруднительное положение |
88 | pitting | заставить соревноваться |
89 | volte-face | поворот кругом (фиг.) |
90 | felled | срубленный |
91 | languish | изнывать |
92 | hinterland | глубокий тыл |
93 | gnomic | гномический |
94 | vacillation | колебание (втч мнений) |
95 | stint | ограниченный набор (работы, финансирования) |
96 | complacent | самодовольный |
97 | variegated | разносторонний |
98 | snuff out | затушить |
99 | revile | поносить, ругать |
100 | falter | дрогнуть, запинаться |
101 | portends | предвещать |
102 | gleaned | подчёрпнутый |
103 | circumscribed | чётко ограниченный |
104 | tepid | тёпленький |
105 | precinct | округ, участок |
106 | ruminate | раздумывать |
107 | moribund | умирающий, заброшенный |
108 | curt | грубо краткий |
109 | purblind | недальновидный |
110 | ferret | разнюхивать |
111 | wryly | косо (о взгляде) |
112 | risible | смешливый |
2. Remarks
2.1. No party occupies all the political spectrum, except the Communist Party of China
Is that true nowadays? What about Navalny’s?
2.2. Its world-view had been proved by history to be right in the act of granting it power.
The Divine Right of Kings?
2.3. Are there other parties like this one?
Vietnamese? What about Korea, Japan? Triads? Yakuza?
2.4. Very long sentences!
2.5. how the CPC has become parasitical on nationalist messages and missions that make it clear its justification is in delivering these rather than Marxist objectives
Shall the party be obliged to deliver it’s initially declared objectives?
2.6. early leaders knew what they didn’t want, and what they disliked about the China they were living in and experiencing in their day-to-day lives. But there was widespread disagreement about what they were actually aiming for
What about all of us? Don’t we all feel way more confident about things we do not want?
2.7. The state constitution, agreed at the National People’s Congress in 1982, and subsequently (but not comprehensively) revised several times since
What about the old constitution of ~1950?
2.8. The language in which the book is written is peculiar.
Is it “Chinese-ish” English?
2.10. Agrarian revolution.
China has a very fertile land. People seem to be growing stuff everywhere easily. Is this a fundamental difference?
2.11. On the contrary, it embraces what was once sniffily called feudal China, and at times also seeks to exploit it.
What about everyone else? Aren’t we all getting into the era of imitated nations? Just because everyone is ready to pay for what they “want to see”?
2.12. This permits the use of an example from theology to illustrate quite how the politics, administration, and country fit together.
Isn’t this exactly how things worked in the USSR? Many people admit that the CPSU effectively worked as a religious organisation, when the Marxist dogmas happened to under-perform.
Furthermore, doesn’t any totalitarian entity work like this? The Annenerbe, the FaLunGong, etc…?
2.16. Deep China.
Didn’t the “Deep America” elect Trump after all? Doesn’t every country have a “Deep Country”? Is there a “Deep Russia”?
2.17. Its sustainability in power demands allegiance from their whole selves, not just their material bodies, because reliance on the latter will always run the high risk that the CPC will go the same direction as the USSR, and be expendable.
People in the USSR also didn’t believe in anything they were speaking of. And were equally content.
2.18. Communist ideology at this time was ‘an effective instrument of training’, an ‘educational process which elevates the system of training above simple discipline’. ‘For training the cadre and party member, Chinese Communist theory … provides a comprehensive theory or learning to ensure the thorough remoulding of each individual’
What about Hofstede and cultural codes?
2.19. Mao the man made many mistakes. But Mao Zedong Thought remains valid and true. This strange bifurcation between a person of flesh and blood and his or her abstract intellectual contribution solved a major problem.
This has been used in the USA in the form of Confederate Generals’ statues. Why don’t “we” as Russians or whoever, reuse this general mantra? A person has agency only as long as he is alive. Afterwards it is natural and perfectly morally acceptable to scavenge all the possible legacy he has left as legacy of the nation.
2.20. Leaders across the country were judged on their ability to ‘preserve stability’, with an extensive apparatus of state security which started to cost more than national defence.
So the “extensive apparatus” became more expensive in China too!
2.22. The simple fact is that, as of 2018, no Communist one-party system had proved sustainable.
What about Vietnam?
3. After-discussion summary.
We discussed the book at the book club with Frank Tsai, and the discussion was not productive really. The people kept referring to some old things in the Chinese history, that I feel are not relevant to the daily life.