Various Notes
- (2024-08-05) Review for “Educated” by Tara Westover. (cn)
- (2024-08-05) “Managerial Revolution” by James Burnham, recap-and-review. (cn)
- (2024-08-02) “Managerial Revolution” by James Burnham, recap-and-review. (hx)
- (2024-07-29) Review for “Educated” by Tara Westover. (hx)
- (2024-06-28) Reading “The Little Schemer” (cn)
- (2024-03-06) A Review on “Neuromancer” by William Gibson (chinese). (cn)
- (2024-02-28) A Review on “Neuromancer” by William Gibson(russian). (ru)
- (2024-01-08) Review on the “Mountains of Madness” by H.P. Lovecraft. (en)
- (2023-11-02) Podman for DevOps by Alessandro Arrichiello (Review in Chinese) (chinese)
- (2023-09-20) Review on the computer game Skyrim. (russian)
- (2023-08-31) A Review for “Selinux System Administration” by Sven Vermeulen (chinese)
- (2023-08-15) PAM Mastery by Michael W Lucas, Chinese Review (chinese)
- (2023-08-07) A Review for “Selinux System Administration” by Sven Vermeulen, Russian Version (russian)
- (2023-05-24) Review on “Spin Dictators by Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman” and notes-and-words. (en)
- (2023-05-22) 《UNIX网络编程》(Richard Stevens著)之短评 (chinese)
- (2023-05-19) Networking for Systems Administrators by Michael W Lucas, a review. (english)
- (2023-05-18) Review for Practical Packet Analysis by Chris Sanders. (en)
- (2022-10-08) Is Chinese Hebei’s ZhangJiaKou the home of Roman Imperial Heritage? (en)
- (2022-09-07) A Review for The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli (en)
- (2022-09-06) Notes and words for reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. (en)
- (2022-07-18) “专业cmake”(Craig Scott著)之短评论。 (cn)
- (2021-11-08) A short review on “Professional CMake” by Craig Scott. (en)
- (2021-09-24) A review on “Little Soldiers” by Lenora Chu. (en)
- (2021-06-02) Finding correspondence between Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and programming. (hx)
- (2021-04-13) I’ve hacked a simple script for drawing a file system tree as a graph with graphviz. Sounds fun? (en)
- (2021-04-13) Scheme Workshop 2021 announced (translation). (Habr: анонсирован Scheme Workshop 2021) (Russian) (ru)
- (2020-11-06) Let us discuss SRFI-216: SICP Prerequisites (hx)
- (2020-11-05) SRFI-216: SICP Course Support (Russian) (hx)
- (2020-09-23) Musings on “The Force of Non-Violence” by Judith Butler (2020). (en)
- (2020-09-18) Опубликован Scheme Request For Implementation – 203: A Simple Drawing Language in the Style of SICP. (en)
- (2020-09-15) A short review of the “Art of War for Women” by Chin-Ning Choo. (en)
- (2020-09-14) A short review on “The Madness of Crowds” by Douglas Murray (2019). (en)
- (2020-09-13) Notes file for reading Chin-Ning Choo’s (Zhu JinJing) book “Art of War for Strong Women: Winning Without Confrontation” (hx)
- (2020-09-11) A notes file for reading “The Madness of Crowds” by Douglas Murray (en)
- (2020-09-10) Reading “The growth of the transitivising Reaction Object Construction” by Tamara Bouso Rivas. (en)
- (2020-09-08) A review on “Psychology of Intelligence Analysis by Richards J. Heuer Jr.” (hx)
- (2020-09-03) Notes and words for “Psychology of Intelligence Analysis” by Richards J. Heuer Jr. (en)
- (2020-08-17) Words and notes for reading “The Force of Non-Violence” by Judith Butler. (hx)
- (2020-08-01) Notes about learning Cinelerra. (en)
- (2020-07-30) Notes on understanding Android. (en)
- (2020-07-29) A short review on “The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power” by Kerry Brown. (en)
- (2020-07-20) Notes and words for “The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power” by Kerry Brown. (en)
- (2020-07-18) A Review on The Light That Failed by Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes. (en)
- (2020-07-11) A Review of LiShan Chan’s Philosopher’s Madness. (en)
- (2020-07-09) SRFI 203: Drawing Language for SICP (en)
- (unpublished) Notes and words collected while reading “Tractatus…” by Ludwig Wittgenstein. (hx)
- (unpublished) Various thoughts on articles read unsystematically. (hx)
- (unpublished) Understanding Android
output. (en) - (unpublished) A translation of the ICFP 2020 Call-for-Papers into Russian. (en)
- (unpublished) Which networked filesystem I want. (en)
- (unpublished) Reading manual for GNU Screen. (en)
- (unpublished) How I studied Maxima. (chinese)
- (unpublished) A record of a meeting about news, their sources and development. (Attendees: Vladimir Nikishkin, David Wood, Ilya Vorontsov) (en)
- (unpublished) How I read the cgroups manual. (en)
- (unpublished) Notes on reading “Pragmatic Programmer” by Hunt and Thomas. (hx)
- (unpublished) Reading “Modern Fortran Explained”. (en)
- (unpublished) Reading “Cyberpunk 2020” from Talsorian Games (en)
- (unpublished) Unsystematic measurements of daily life. (hx)
- (unpublished) A list (rant) of things that can be shown to bigtech enthusiasts. (en)
- (unpublished) Learning OmegaT. (en)
- (unpublished) How to make a good feed reader. (hx)
- (unpublished) Unknown words and notes for the “Light that Failed by Ivan Krastev and Steven Holmes”. (en)
- (unpublished) An incomplete list of programs that bring childish enjoyment and the feeling of almightiness. (hx)
- (unpublished) Using Maxima to solve certain mathematical problems. (Russian) (russian)
- (unpublished) Reading the USA foundational documents. (hx)
- (unpublished) Words from Mountains of Madness. (en)
- (unpublished) Solving SICP (en)
- (unpublished) Reading “SSH Mastery” by Michael Lucas. (en)
- (unpublished) Reading org-mode manual. (en)