Notes on reading "Pragmatic Programmer" by Hunt and Thomas. (Chinese Review)
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1. Review
最近看完了Thomas和Hunt著的“Pragmatic Programmer”第二版。 在这篇书评我要表达我的观点和感受。
我要从标题开头。 什么是“Pragmatic Programmer”? 或者谁是”Pragmatic Programmer“? ”Pragmatic“翻译到中文应该是”实用主义程序员”或者“务实的程序员“。
确实,表面上这本书大部分内容是关于如何写程序的。 但是,与大部分技术书不同,在这本书中代码不扮演最重要的角色。 也可以说,这本书的最重要的观点不在于如何写代码,而在于如何避免写代码。 就是说如何避免写僵化的代码。
这个知识对于领导高级程序员是必要的吗? 肯定是必要的。 我当作团队领导的时候,好几次遇到了和作者一样的困难,问过同样的问题。
那为什么我说这本书没有特别的影响我呢? 因为虽然他们的很多建议有意义,但是动动脑子,就会自己找到这个观点。 而且他们的好几个建议我在我的前公司都尝试过,但是没成功。
- Actor model
- Event model
- Contracts
其中,contracts我没有见过,其它需要刷新。 其实,他们提到很多,但是大部分我早已学会。
- 如何准备好团队
- 如何计划项目
- 如何分析用户需求
这三个方面每个高级程序员应该擅长。 希望随着我的经验增加,我会更好的理解这三个领域。
这本书最大的缺点,我感觉是:它一点都不涉及跟领导的关系。 就是说,所有在这本书中提到的技巧,不管是技术的还是社会的,如果teamlead不能给老板介绍为什么这种技巧有用,就没办法使用它们。
总而言之,这本书比较简单,高级开发者能在一个周末读完。 可以用以介绍teamlead的工作,但是我不能保证这是最好的说明书。
2. Reading
3. Notes
Interesting things worth looking:
- Contracts (racket)
- Observer pattern
- Pub-Sub
- Streams
- Threading macro (pipelining)
- Delegation/mixins/traits
- Finite state machines
- Actor model
- Parameterized tests
- Fuzzing
- Netflix chaos-monkey
4. Words
- lay of the land :: disposition of circumstances
- hunker down :: stubbornly hold position
- trudge :: walk with heavy, slow steps
- pack rat :: an American hamster, figuratively someone who stores a lot of stuff or knowledge
- homily :: truism, sermon, platitude
- glut :: eagerness to do something (originally to eat, see gluttony)
- petulant :: irritable, childish
- forgo :: leave alone, abandon, renounce
- dead reckoning :: inertial navigation, navigation using a lot of estimates, based on previous position, figuratively trying to make decisions on pre-computing everything
- post-it note :: sticky note
- stout-heart (stouthearted) :: brave, courageous, plucky
rule :: (not a ruler) a carpenter's tool, like a ruler, foldable from many segments
gauge :: (marking gauge) a tool to draw a line parallel to an edge, surface
plane :: a tool for flattening a piece of wood, getting rid of chips and rough edge
- bevel :: an edge of a piece of wood which looks like a wedge
chamfer :: an edge of a piece of wood (like bevel) which has been dulled for a aesthetic or safety reasons
chisel :: a woodworking tool, with a narrow, but long, blade, sort of like a wedge or a knife
mortise and tenon :: male-female connector when used in woodworking, mortise is female, tenon is male
brace :: (not a parenthesis) a tool for drilling huge holes manually, with a П-shaped horizontal handle
mallet :: a tool which looks like a hammer, but with a huge soft (rubber or wooden) head, which is used for bending more than punching in another object
clamp :: (a misleading word) while clamp can mean a small-ish tool, typically used at home to pinch some objects, say, drying clothing to a rope (a clothespin is a clamp), in engineering and technical work it is a kind of a vice, used for temporarily fixing an object by the means of pressure, usually huge. For Anglo-Saxons this is still a clamp.
biscuit cutter/joiner :: a sophisticated carpentry tool, used to join two pieces of wood together using two mortises, and a comparatively small tenon, usually cookie-shaped, thus the name. Usually requires glue.
- router :: no, not a tool for directing packets between computer networks, but a tool, nowadays electric, to carve out a trough, a chute, a spillway. Russian фреза, фрезер
miter (mitre) box :: a tool for cutting wood at definite angles, looks like a box-frame with high-ish walls, which have angular cuts through, which you can put a board in, and insert a saw along the cuts, hence guiding it to that definite angle over the board. Russian стусло.
- jig :: a tool created to guide the direction of another tool. The logic is similar to the mitre, but construction can vary greatly.
- chagrin :: distress, despair, sorrow, often mockingly "to the chagrin"
- to soar :: to fly high, metaphorically to reach a very high number (for a price or a value), to skyrocket, the opposite of "plummet"
- extricate :: to free oneself from something, to escape, to untangle
- awry :: oblique, distorted, wonky, improperly, usually used as "go awry" as "go wrong way"
- drop the ball :: fail in one's responsibilities, comes from ball games where dropping a ball is a mistake
- triplicate :: like "duplicate", but three times
- lark :: жаворонок, Alaudidae
- reproach :: implied mild criticism, with good intention
- equanimity :: state of being calm under stress
- perfunctory :: done superficially, only to match the KPI, not whole-heartedly
- sagacity :: the state of being a sage
- placid :: calm and quiet
- twiddle :: wiggle, play with, twitch
- niggling :: petty and irritating
- keep one's wits about smth :: be aware of something, but still calm
- queasy :: feeling or causing nausea
- cull :: pick some ones from a larger group and kill (usually for population control)
- sullen :: gloomy and foreboding
- reticent :: not disclosing one's thoughts and opinions
- zany :: unusual and comical
- minnow :: small fish, similar to a carp, гольян
- skidding :: when a car is sliding forward because due to a too sharp brakeing the wheels lock, юзить