Reading “Cyberpunk 2020” from Talsorian Games
1. Wonderful citations from a game book
1.6. It isn’t easy. They’ve tried to pressure your Mediacorp dozens of times. You’ve had stories suppressed-once, Corporate pressure forced them to cancel your news show. Each time, you went to the top, backed by your news d irector and your crew, and fought to get the story out.
Hm… also didn’t happen. MSM are producing garbage, and the independent teams are producing the hot stuff. But maybe the independent teams are just the coverage for the MSM? Anyway, this is all much smarter and less straightforward.
1.7. Not a quotation, but it is interesting that Cyberpunk calls hired guns “Solos”.
I wonder why? I mean we do live in a lonely world, but in most military professions the key thing is the concentration of force. Literally the opposite of “soloing”.
2. Character design
2.1. Stats
9 to 90 by a dice roll.
- Intelligence (generalised “cleverness”)
- Reflexes (generalised “body”)
- Cool (generalised “resist”)
- TECH (generalised “skillfullness”) :: while I certainly see why this is nit Int, I don’t understand why this is a Stat, not a Skill
- Luck :: add these points to the dice roll
- Attractiveness (generalised “charisma”)
- Movement :: Why is this not the same as “reflexes”?
3. Unknown words
- sporting ::
- panache ::
- swagger into ::
- find a cause and go to the wall with it ::
- pitch off ::
- “sporting the latest” ::
- get into a dustdown :: become involved in a heated argument, dispute, or fight
- “have a knack for” :: to be exceptionally proficient at (doing) something
- garden variety :: very common