A sketch of a brain data flow for an adult in 2021.

This sketch is not (yet) implemented in software, it is just an imaginary construct that may be useful for reference.

1. TODO Body


skinparam componentStyle uml2

header some header

footer some footer

title A plan for data flow in 2021

caption Unfinished. Version <2021-02-01 Mon 15:49>

1. Style services
2. Style crons
3. Style setups
4. Style TODO/DONE
5. Style friendly/adversarial services
6. Mark points of human intervention (e.g. captcha)
7. Make components consistent
end legend

package "Foreign Services" {
component "Facebook" as cFb
component "Twitter" as cTw
component "Instagram" as cIn
component "Telegram" as cTg
component "Vkontakte" as cVk
component "WeChat" as cWc
component "Discord" as cDi
component "Jabber" as cJa
component "TikTok" as cTt
component "DouYin" as cDy
component "WeiBo" as cWb
component "LinkedIn" as cLi
component "Skype" as cSk
component "LiveJournal" as cLj
component "WordPress" as cWp
component "Blogger" as cBg
component "WhatsApp" as cWa
component "AcademiaEdu" as cAe
component "ResearchGate" as cRg

cloud "Assorted Providers <<email>>" as cAP

package DigitalOcean{
database "Dovecot (qmail?)" as dbDovecot
node "RSS-Bridge" as cRB
node "TT-RSS" as cTTRSS
database "PostgreSQL" as dbPG
node "Panopticon (TODO)\nContacts manager" as cPan

cFb -> cRB : News
cTw -> cRB : News
cIn -> cRB : News
cTg -> cRB : News
cVk -> cRB : News
cWc -> cRB : News

cAP --> dbDovecot : Via for-site-email@domain.name

dbDovecot --> cRB

cRB --> cTTRSS
cloud "RSS" as cRSS


cTTRSS --> dbPG

cFb -> cPan : Contacts
cTw -> cPan : Contacts
cIn -> cPan : Contacts
cTg -> cPan : Contacts
cVk -> cPan : Contacts
cWc -> cPan : Contacts

package Google {
database "Google Contacts" as dbGcontacts
database "Gmail" as dbGmail

cPan -> dbGcontacts

dbGcontacts -> cRB : Feed information

dbGcontacts --> dbGmail : Context provider
dbGmail     --> dbGcontacts : Other contacts miner

package Android {
database "Android\nAddress\nBook" as dbAndroidContacts
database "Androind\nGmail" as dbAndroidGmail

dbGcontacts <--> dbAndroidContacts
dbGmail <--> dbAndroidGmail

package Laptop {
database "vdir" as dbVdir
node "khard" as cKhard
node "mu" as cMu
database "maildir" as dbMaildir
component "Thunderbird" as cTb
cTb <--> dbGcontacts
cTb <--> dbGmail

package Emacs {
node "ebdb" as cEbdb
node "mu4e" as cMu4e

dbGcontacts <--> dbVdir : vdirsyncer

cKhard<--> dbVdir

cEbdb<--> dbVdir

dbGmail <--> dbMaildir : mbsync

dbMaildir <--> cMu
cMu <--> cMu4e
